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Showing 33–48 of 169 results
The Cat 3 Combined Pack consists of a 16oz bottle of Eye Envy solution and a 2oz jar of Eye Envy powder.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Cat 4 Combined Pack consists of a 16oz bottle of Eye Envy solution and a 4oz jar of Eye Envy powder.
VIEW PRODUCTFreddie the Fish is one of catnip toys from the Beco range. All of their toys are made from eco-friendly sources.
VIEW PRODUCTGroomer’s Goop is the perfect product for removing grease and oil from the coat of long-haired cats and dogs. It is specially formulated to remove even the most stubborn stains from the coat.
VIEW PRODUCTJerob Black-In shampoo has been specially formulated with optical brighteners to enhance black and dark coats. It leaves the coat shiny, with highlights, and is non-irritating.
VIEW PRODUCTJerob Parisian Purple shampoo has been specially formulated with optical brighteners to enhance cream and light blue coats. It adds highlights, and is non-irritating.
VIEW PRODUCTJerob Stardust grooming powder quickly absorbs excess oil. It tones coat flaws and hot spots, and is unscented.
VIEW PRODUCTJerob Texturizer Spray is a gentle, non-aerosol spray which strengthens and holds the coat in place, and also gives body to the coat. It will not leave the coat sticky.
VIEW PRODUCTJerob Texturizing shampoo contains special agents to add body to fine coats. It will help to eliminate static, and is non-irritating.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Rosewood luxury cat tunnel is the ultimate in cat sleeping quarters. The tunnel is made from luxury faux fur material, and is designed to fit over radiators up to 8cm (3″) wide, or to be free standing on the floor. The removable cover is…
VIEW PRODUCTThe Rosewood Luxury Cat Tunnel is the ultimate sleeping and resting place for your cat. A soft faux fur cover fits over a strong, easy to assemble frame, and can be placed on the floor, or hooked over a radiator for even more comfort. The…
VIEW PRODUCTPet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural “messengers” to help calm the nerves of stressed or anxious pets. This pack contains one plug-in diffuser and one 40ml bottle of Pet Remedy. The slow release technology of the diffuser will deliver up to 8 weeks treatment.
VIEW PRODUCTPet Remedy works alongside the brain’s natural “messengers” to help calm the nerves of stressed or anxious pets.
VIEW PRODUCTCats love to chase spiders, and here is the ideal opportunity. These spiders are friendly, not scary. Colours will vary.
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