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Showing 1–16 of 169 results
Eye Envy Facial Cleanser is a tearless facial cleanser for dogs and cats. It contains 30 ppm of Colloidal Silver to help remove stubborn stains. For best results, use the facial cleanser prior to using the Eye Envy liquid and powder. Size: 8.45oz (250ml)
VIEW PRODUCTThis Eye Envy Starter Kit for Cats consists of a 2oz bottle of Tear Stain Remover solution, a 0.5oz jar of Tear Stain Remover powder, a jar of Tear Stain Remover dry application pads and a small powder applicator brush.
VIEW PRODUCTThis Eye Envy Starter Kit for Dogs consists of a 2oz bottle of Tear Stain Remover solution, a 0.5oz jar of Tear Stain Remover powder, a jar of Tear Stain Remover dry application pads and a small powder applicator brush.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover Wipes are presoaked with Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover Solution. The Solution contains a mild cleanser to clean the affected areas, an astringent to dry the area and a natural antibacterial agent that helps stop the growth of the…
VIEW PRODUCTThe Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover Wipes are presoaked with Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover Solution. The Solution contains a mild cleanser to clean the affected areas, an astringent to dry the area and a natural antibacterial agent that helps stop the growth of the…
VIEW PRODUCTThe Eye Envy Value Starter Kit is all you need to get the removal of your cat’s tear stains underway. The Kit consists of a 2oz bottle of Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover solution, a 0.5oz jar of Eye Envy powder and a pack of…
VIEW PRODUCTThe Eye Envy Value Starter Kit is all you need to get the removal of your dog’s tear stains underway. The Kit consists of a 2oz bottle of Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover solution, a 0.5oz jar of Eye Envy powder and a pack of…
VIEW PRODUCTShow Tech Bright & Clean Shampoo revitalises the coat, leaving it shiny and fresh smelling. Unique colour enhancing brighteners help restore the coat’s original colour. Suitable for all coat types and colours. Size: 300ml
VIEW PRODUCTShow Tech Colour Mask for dogs and cats blends and enhances the coat to cover or improve any imperfections. Colour Mask comes in a 20g pot, together with an applicator brush.
VIEW PRODUCTBertie the Budgie is another cat toy from the Beco range. Made from recycled plastic, it is filled with catnip.
VIEW PRODUCTHere is a great toy for cats and kittens alike. Made from nylon on a wire frame, each Cube has three toys dangling inside – two balls and a felt fish. The Cube measures 40cms (16″) x 40cms (16″) x 40cms (16″) Price is for…
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