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Showing 17–32 of 169 results
The Eye Envy Starter Kit for Dogs consists of a 2oz bottle of Tear Stain Solution, a 0.5oz jar of Tear Stain Powder and a jar of Tear Stain Solution Applicator Pads. This will get you going in removing and eliminating your tear stain problems.…
VIEW PRODUCTThe Eye Envy Starter Kit for Cats consists of a 2oz bottle of Tear Stain Solution, a 0.5oz jar of Tear Stain Powder and a jar of Tear Stain Solution Applicator Pads. This will get you going in removing and eliminating your tear stain problems.…
VIEW PRODUCTEye Envy Tear Stain Solution removes tear stains in 7 – 10 days with daily use. To keep stain free, use weekly once original tear stains are removed. Safely remove tear stains with non-irritating and 100% natural ingredients, including Coloidal Silver. Apply directly around the…
VIEW PRODUCTEye Envy Tear Stain Solution removes tear stains in 7 – 10 days with daily use. To keep stain free, use weekly once original tear stains are removed. Safely remove tear stains with non-irritating and 100% natural ingredients, including Coloidal Silver. Apply directly around the…
VIEW PRODUCTALL sizes of Eye Envy Tear Stain Remover Powder are available here – 0.5oz, 2oz and 4oz. EFFECTIVE ON WHITE AND LIGHT COLOURED FLAT FACED BREEDS: Proven effective by breeders, veterinarians, professional groomers and cat fanciers/dog show enthusiasts worldwide. Effective on white/light coloured toy breeds,…
VIEW PRODUCTThe Eye Envy applicator brush is perfect for working the powder into the coat to provide effective cover.
VIEW PRODUCTEye Envy dry applicator pads are used to apply the Eye Envy liquid. As they are dry pads, there is no wastage of liquid, as you would get if using cotton wool. Pre soak the pads in the jar, and they are ready to use.
VIEW PRODUCTEye Envy dry applicator pads are used to apply the Eye Envy liquid. As they are dry pads, there is no wastage of liquid, as you would get if using cotton wool. Refill pack for the Eye Envy pads jar.
VIEW PRODUCTEye Envy Off the Beard removes unsightly beard stains. It will help to eliminate stains and odur caused by saliva, food and treat colouration, and yeast or bacterial infection.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Dog 1 Combined Pack consists of an 8oz bottle of Eye Envy solution and a 2oz jar of Eye Envy powder.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Dog 2 Combined Pack consists of an 8oz bottle of Eye Envy solution and a 4oz jar of Eye Envy powder.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Dog 3 Combined Pack consists of a 16oz bottle of Eye Envy solution and a 2oz jar of Eye Envy powder.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Dog 4 Combined Pack consists of an 16oz bottle of Eye Envy solution and a 4oz jar of Eye Envy powder.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Cat 1 Combined Pack consists of an 8oz bottle of Eye Envy solution and a 2oz jar of Eye Envy powder.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Cat 2 Combined Pack consists of an 8oz bottle of Eye Envy solution and a 4oz jar of Eye Envy powder.
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