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Showing 97–112 of 169 results
The Greyhound Beauty Two Tones comb has a combination of medium coarse and fine teeth. The comb is two colour tones, each complementing the other.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Greyhound Beauty Velvet comb has a matt colour finish. It has a combination of medium coarse and fine teeth.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Greyhound Beauty Sparkles comb has a combination of medium coarse and fine teeth. The metal has a sparkle effect finish.
VIEW PRODUCTAnistel disinfectant is a safe all purpose cleaner and disinfectant. It is safe to use in both animal and human environments.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Spratts 68 is a moulting comb with a handle. It is ideal for long haired coats.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Small Show Kit consists of a small white litter tray, a white round food dish, a white hook-on D-dish and a white 61cms (24″) x 61cms (24″) single thickness blanket. The Small Show Kit is suitable for a single pen or a double pen.…
VIEW PRODUCTThe Classic Double Sided brush has pins on one side of the head, and nylon bristles on the other. It has a wooden and rubber handle for comfort of grip.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Premo Double Sided brush has nylon bristle on one side of the head for general brushing, and pins on the other side to ease out loose and dead hair from the coat.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Mikki nylon bristle brush has bobble porcupine pins interspersed in the head to help draw out loose and dead hair while brushing the coat.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Premo Pin Brush has strong but flexible wire pins to help make grooming easier. The handle is contoured for grip and comfort.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Mikki nylon bristle brush has a soft-grip handle for comfort and ease of use.
VIEW PRODUCTPremo brushes are great for everyday grooming for your dog or cat. The Nylon bristle head makes for easy use, and the handle is contoured for comfort and grip.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Mikki Slicker Brush is great for easing out tangles and matts, especially from the undercoat. It has a soft-grip handle for comfort.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Premo Slicker Brush has fine anti scratch wire pins to draw through the coat to remove moulted and loose hair. It has a soft-grip handle for comfort of use.
VIEW PRODUCTThe Premo Bobble Pin Slicker Brush has plastic coated pins for gentle use on cats and dogs.
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