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Shampoos & Conditioners
Groomers Goop shampoo is an ideal everyday shampoo. It is also very effective when used a s a second step after using Groomers goop gel.
VIEW PRODUCTAnju Beaute Shining care adds softness and brightness to the coat and makes grooming easier. It attracts the light and intensifies reflections. It is suitable for all breeds and any length of coat.
VIEW PRODUCTAnju Beaute Spray Texture adds body and volume to the coat. It is ideal for adding the final touch before competition, and is designed for cats and dogs with clean coats. It is suitable for all breeds and coat types. For dry use.
VIEW PRODUCTAnju Beate Absolu is antistatic and non-toxic, It untangles the worst of knots, and adds shine to the coat. It is suitable for all breeds and coat types where untangling is needed.